

How it started

Erika Rayman was tired of pushing herself at the gym and not seeing the changes she worked so hard to achieve. She knew that if she wanted something different, other people did too.

So she spent four long, crazy years creating a machine and method that draws on reactive neuromuscular training techniques for faster results.

Today, thousands of people have experienced the joy, confidence and results that come from proper squatting. And we've only just begun.
Erika Rayman was tired of pushing herself at the gym and not seeing the changes she worked so hard to achieve. She knew that if she wanted something different, other people did too.
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Why it works—

Shorter workouts,
faster results

The DB Method shifts weight back into the glutes, putting them under loads scientifically proven ideal for hypertrophy.

Time Efficient, High
Density Training

Our workouts condense a high volume of work into a short amount of time. This produces metabolic stress on the glutes, one of the key triggers for muscle growth, while creating systemic intensity to challenge the whole body.

Progressive Levels of
Muscle Tension

We teach you mind-to-muscle connection and challenge you with time-tested techniques to ramp up muscle tension and produce lasting results.
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DB by the numbers

*Statistics collected from a control group of 1,591 reviewers
Average customer rating
Reported a more lifted appearance
Improved knee and back pain
*Statistics collected from a control group of 1,591 reviewers
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The Machine that changed
the squat

Traditional squats can place undue stress on joints, but The DB Method’s patented machine shifts your body weight directly into the glutes so you can get your best butt ever in just 10 minutes a day. It’s time to discover the DB Difference.